The US-Vietnam Research Center is an independent research institution hosted by the Global Studies Institute at the University of Oregon. Our central mission is to promote research and education on three broad areas, including contemporary developments in Vietnam, US-Vietnam relations, and the Vietnamese-American community. We strive to engage the public and the expert community in the US, Vietnam, and elsewhere through commissioned research, publications of source materials and research findings, and workshops and symposiums. We aim to contribute to the intellectual and institutional power of the Vietnamese American diaspora while building a community of individuals and organizations interested in Vietnam and in US-Vietnamese relations, whether in the past, present, or future.


US - VIETNAM REVIEW US-Vietnam Review (ISSN 2693-8413) publishes short articles in English and Vietnamese in three broad areas, including developments in contemporary Vietnam, the history and future of US-Vietnam relations, and the Vietnamese-American community.
TẠP CHÍ NGHIÊN CỨU VIỆT - MỸ Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Việt Mỹ (ISSN 2693-8413) tập trung vào ba lãnh vực: Việt nam đương đại, quan hệ Việt-Mỹ, và cộng đồng người Việt ở Mỹ.

Building a Republican Nation in Vietnam, 1920–1963

Edited by Nu-Anh Tran and Tuong Vu Publisher: the University of Hawaii Press Published: December 31, 2022

The dragon’s underbelly: dynamics and dilemmas in Vietnam’s economy and politics

Edited by Nhu Truong and Tuong Vu Publisher: ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute Publication date: January 06, 2023

Toward A Framework for Vietnamese American Studies: History, Community, and Memory

Editors: Linda Ho Peche, Alex-Thai D. Vo, and Tuong Vu Publisher: Temple University Press, Published in February 2023

NGUYEN MANH HUNG’S COLECTION Documentary collection of interviews with Vietnamese nationalist parties' politicians in the mid-20th century.
NU-ANH TRAN’S COLECTION Rare historical documents about Vietnamese politics and the Republic of Vietnam
BA TRAN LE XUAN (MADAME NGO DINH NHU) Diplomatic letters, international speeches and memoirs.

Visions in the South China Sea: How Vietnam looks at Powers, How Powers look at Vietnam

“The South China Sea: Five years after the Arbitration Award”

Transpacific Civic Activism in Vietnam and in the Diaspora

Transpacific Paradigms of Vietnamese Diasporic Knowledge

Translocative Vietnamese American Historiographies and Anticommunist Republican Nationalisms

Workshop on Republican Vietnam: Introductory Remarks & Keynote